Aaron Michael - Chief Software Architect


Aaron is a Software Engineering student at Iowa State University. During his course of study he has had the option to produce projects in C, C++, Java, JavaScript, SQL, and work with many frameworks. This summer he will be working for GVL in Ames. For this senior design project, Aaron will be taking the information that will be displayed to the user from data gathered by the eye tracker and camera feeds.

Dennis Xu - Chief Engineer/Meeting Facilitator


I am a Computer Engineering student at Iowa State University. My area of interest is hardware design and embedded systems. I will be working on integrating all of the seperate systems together, but in the mean time I will be helping out with displaying sensor data onto a screen.

Jonah Bartz - Continuous Integration

Jonah Bartz

I am a software engineering student at Iowa State university. For the past two years I have been working at Danfoss Power Solutions. Through school and work I have worked on a variety of projects. This project I will be designing test cases, developing the eye-tracker, and supporting object detection.

Omar Abbas - Meeting Scribe/Report Manager

Omar Abbas

Hi, My name is Omar Abbas. I am a senior in computer engineering and a TA for the embedded systems class here at Iowa State! I am an international student from Jordan and I've been in the US for 3 years. I hope to achieve my graduates degree right after my undergraduates in secure and reliable programming at Iowa State University. I am very diverse technologically and like to code almost exclusively on the command line!